In today’s society I think its safe to say that there is a blatant lack of respect for women. Why has this become so common? Why has this become acceptable? There are various answers to that question, one answer is men. Another answer is the media; but, the most important answer is women knowing the worth within themselves.
Yes, men do degrade women regularly, but not enough women require a man to respect them. It’s a woman’s job to demand that respect. If a man is allowed to disrespect a women in any way and she accepts it, then that lack of respect will continue. Women who demand respect are the minority. When a man doesn’t want to deal with a difficult one he’s on to the next that will allow him to treat her any kind of way. The crazy thing I’ve noticed is that when questioned females always seem to think that they do respect themselves. Maybe the root of the issue goes into females knowing what self respect is.
With the huge popularity of social networks most women are willing to degrade themselves publicly. They wear next to nothing in pictures or “twerk” in a video just for people to hit the “like” button. The urge to be popular these days is so overwhelming that most will do anything to have that glimpse of superficial fame. Today’s young adults are willing to do whatever it takes to have a couple thousand followers; and for women, the easiest way to get that is by being naked all over the internet. But at what cost? Of course we men love to see a naked body. What man doesn’t? What they are missing is that this is not how you earn a man’s respect. No man wants to be with the girl who any and everybody has seen naked. But this is where we presently reach a grey area because all young women see on television is the images of females being treated like royalty by entertainers.
Reality shows continuously show women who do nothing but sit around and gossip about each other having all the things that they want. The rich husband, the big house, the nice cars, and the designer clothes. The media is programming today’s young ladies to think it’s ok to be a 40 something year old women who talks loud and fights. These actions may be ok for high school, maybe even college, but there’s no way that these middle aged women should be acting this way for the youth to see. But the media doesn’t care about showing moral values, all they care about is the ratings. As long as people keep tuning in every week they will stay on television. These reality stars are entertaining but they damn sure aren’t the role models to show women about self respect. I often hear that hoes are winning and the good respectable women aren’t. Which pushes the good women to question whether or not they are doing the right thing by having morals and self respect for themselves. Comments like this scare me because its hard enough to find a good women now and that makes me believe its getting even worse. What this says to me is that women today aren’t being taught about the values and powers that they hold.
Young women aren’t seeing enough positive images of successful women doing things the right way to make them want that kind of success for themselves. They aren’t being taught to love themselves first so that they won’t go out into the world searching for the approval of a man to make them feel good. Young women need to know that they hold the key that can change society because they can make men change. If more women started to respect themselves as ladies then more men would become gentlemen to be with them. When the majority of women stop looking at themselves as just sex objects and start to use their brains men would have no choice but to accept and love that. Females have to be shown how great they can be with their clothes on. How much power they can hold when they put on a business suit and walk into a board meeting. Today’s women have the opportunities to change the world but they must become unified and hold each other accountable. They have to know their worth, understand their value and not fall victim to the ignorance of today’s society.
It’s a wonderful read and most refreshing to see young men with this disposition. It is true social media does perpetuate this problem but the break down of the family where morals are first instilled needs to be repaired in order for us to change the road the next generations are going down. I feel like what we all who consider ourselves conscious have to make a valuent effort to fix it or we will continue to perpetuate the cycle on a large scale.
Hit it right on the head. Women are the key
Dope article ! I look forward to the next read. This is a gem! More women need to read this.
Great read! I look forward to more articles from this author !!
This Article Is So True !!! No Class + No Morals = No Respect
Great article! I use the exact same social media example in many of my debates. We can no longer point the finger of blame to CNN, VH1, and other television outlets because social media allows everyone the platform to present their own individual commercial so to speak on who they are. Sadly, we (speaking as an African american) waste much of our instagram energy on ass pics and “niggas be like” post. Furturemore, the media would be fools not to capitalize on quenching our insatiable thirty for perpetual drama and negatively. Self awareness and self value is definitely key in trying to turn this tide turned for our females and men. We need more Kings and less real niggas just as much as we need more Phenomenal women and less bad bitches.