written by: Melanesia Hunter
Well…. I dont even know where to start! lol…this day…was probably one of the most perfect yet stressful ass days of my lil life. It started out so amazing…and then….. shit started going down in flames with the start of my poor little Honda not making it 4 miles up a mountain in Malibu to get to the beautiful mansion we were shooting at! *Thanks Ryan*
(Running errands with #thehondacrew . This smile was BEFORE I hopped in the car with Graham :/ )
Anywho that wouldnt havent been such a diaster if the wardrobe, the wardrobe stylist, my makeup,the videographer, and caterer weren’t all in the car. I left with Graham earlier so that I could prep a little bit, and I thought the rest of the crew left 15 mins after me…. so after two hours passed by and no one had heard from or could get in touch with the Honda crew …I was already a complete mess!!!Who would have thought that they were stuck halfway up a mountain with no phone service?!?!All I kept thinking was OMG …this cant be happening!!! Not on my 1st cover shoot!!I had no make up, no food, no clothes or anything lol…just me…the photographer..a few other guest…and Bobby Church!
I was crushed…although the vision and the idea had been brewing in my head for months….the opportunity came basically in a matter of 2 days. They were all in Cali…it was one free day before their show at the Viper Room that Tuesday so I just said what the hell….Im gonna try to pull a cover shoot out of my ass! And we did…I just thought it was going to go way smoother than what it actually did.
Now…I could go into even more details about how that day went no where near the way it went down in my head when I was planning and visualizing everything…lol…but I wont… Instead, I’ll tell you how inspite of everything that went wrong… that day was still AMAZING!!!! Yeah we started late, I panicked a bit, and probably cried more times that day than I had all year lol BUT…we made it happen…and we still created greatness! The energy of the people I brought into the project combined with Bobby Church was inspiring to say the least, and that really did help me snap out of my meltdown.
Once we got started though…it was magical. Nemo and Sonique had done such a great job with the styling… They guys immediately took a liking to everyone that was a part of the team…and I literally watched my entire team fall in love with them and become genuine fans in the matter of hours. It’s the Bobby Church affect I guess….you just cant deny their awesomeness.
The day was long…but well worth everything I experienced. I damn near never realize how strong, determined, and innovative I can be until shit starts going down in flames lol. I can appreciate things going wrong so that next time I can be even more prepared. It’s all a learning lesson ya know…. and on my end…Im just trying to create this amazing energy and project it into the world. We did just that and more so all in all…I ended up happy… and with some priceless memories!
I’ll share some personal bts/ behind the chair pictures with you guys from the Cover Shoot and the Bobby Church show at the Viper Room the following day!!
Cheers to a day I’ll never forget! The start of something new and great!
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