See… There’s this thing about being able to set intentions when you’re creating… But not be bound to any set expectations…
Because sometimes… Expectations can lead to disappointments… & sometimes expectations can have you scared to trust your gut and take risks…& sometimes expectations can lead you to being upset & ungrateful about the things you “expected”& you overlook the magic & beauty of what still happens in spite of u not meeting your “expectations”.
I think because of the warrior spirits in all of us involved in the 1 year anniversary… The bands, performers, volunteers, leimert park community, and true supporters … We were definitely able to make lemonade out of the lemons that was thrown at our asses on Sunday. Lol
I could have easily been discouraged… Hell we all could have been… Because so many things went wrong that day… But even more things went right. Ughhhh I can’t even explain it with words but everybody who was there knows exactly what I’m talking about… In the midst of it all the mission still was accomplished… The unity.. The energy … The resilience of a people… The passion of creatives… The love of music… The love & dedication to movement within the crockpot, the support from people of all ages… All of that withstood the cold & the rain & for that … I am forever thankful.
Sunday just made what’s really going on here clearer for me. #thankyou
I love & appreciate each & every person that has invested time in, been a part of, donated money to, shared their gifts, bought tickets to shows, drove out of there way to come to all of our events, to the people who literally looked forward to the #27th of every month no matter what, to the ppl who told a friend, to everybody that has supported this vision that just keeps getting clearer& clearer. I thank you so much for believing, and for being a vessel. You guys have made this one year the most fulfilling year of my life! I have found my purpose in allowing myself the freedom to create whatever was in my heart no matter what it was..and with the people who personally inspired me….I got do follow my heart…I got to do things my way…with the people I wanted to do it with… And this is what came out!!! This is so much bigger than all of us… I just cant believe what’s happening sometimes but we all feel it…and it’s so real. I love you all. You guys are a part of me!
WE ARE ABOUT TO LIGHT UP THE WORLD!!!! And it’s about to be beautiful!
#cantstopwontstop #thecrockpot #1yearanniversary #leimertpark #onelove
– @melanesia_
{ Juriel Majeed, The Komposers, Sabi, Timothy Bloom, Lucy Hart, Bobby Church, Drue, Disco, Rooftop 3100, Billy Sorrels, Rob Riley, Dj Unicorn Sally, Shanell, Infinite Intel, Pheena, Tony Evans, Hemingways, Bj the Chicago Kid, The Jazmin Sisters, Jax, Dj Marcus the Artist, Dj Sean Prince, Fern & Yumi, Edith Hunter, Jarell Perry, Joi Starr, Charlie Bereal, Lisa, Sassa Fras, Candice Nelson, D. Brown, Dj Beamon, Dj DJB, The Great Company, Motown, Ethiopia Habtemariam, Blazestage, The Silver Man, Akelee, Dead Right, Kevin Ross, Stacy Barthe, Tish, Coolroy, Treasure Davis, Ollie Gabriel, Preston Harris, Ade, Renae, Avery, G. Kristol, Slim, The Rose Room, Lady X, Gene Noble, 9 on Vine, Hewan, Ryan Dermott, The Leimert Park community, Tay, Walker, Sensachanell, Logan, Marian Mereba, Miriam Victoria, Logan, Jetpack, The Plugg, Diondre Jermaine, The Jermainiacs, Matt Sutton, J. Lorraine, Devin, Mike, David, Christina Hall, Brandon Willis, Jason Sneed, Sydatris, Cameron Morrison, Linafornia, and Ben Caldwell. }
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